A comprehensive suite of evidence-based surveys developed by AISNSW will be launched later this month.

Perspectives: Your school in focus is designed to support independent member schools to collect rigorous data to inform future school priorities and goals.

Data from the surveys will enable school teams to reflect on and develop strategic action plans using evidence and data collected from the whole school community.

Perspectives: Your school in focus surveys collect feedback and data from all key stakeholders within the school community. These include school leaders and board members, teachers and non-teaching staff, students and parents. Insights gleaned from the surveys, triangulated with additional school data, will enable schools to reveal their strengths and highlight further opportunities for improvement.

“By actively seeking to understand the perceptions of key stakeholder groups, the school’s community voice is valued and recognised,” explains Tiffany Roos, AISNSW Director: Research and Data.

Member schools are invited to consider how and where these surveys fit into their existing cycles of continuous improvement planning. The surveys encompass five research-based domains:

  • School Environment
  • Teaching and Learning
  • Student Wellbeing
  • Leadership
  • Community.

Collectively, these domains provide a 360-degree view of the whole school, as well as a clear measure of stakeholder satisfaction.

During the development stage, feedback from the Survey Reference Group provided helpful guidance and advice to ensure the surveys meet the needs of independent schools.

AISNSW Chief Executive Dr Geoff Newcombe AM and Mark McCrindle, award winning social researcher and thought leader, will launch Perspectives: Your school in focus on 16 May 2019.