What is AISNSW’s role in advocacy and representation on behalf of the sector?

AISNSW has a key role in advocating for and representing the needs and interests of schools and teachers in the independent sector during this period of curriculum reform. There are also a number of opportunities for teachers from member schools to have direct input into the process of reform.  

AISNSW Advocacy and Representation

Key AISNSW executives have a place on the Board of NESA as well as on various curriculum reform committees and steering groups.

In addition, AISNSW team leaders represent the sector’s views through participation in Subject Expert Reference Groups, amongst others.

AISNSW also works closely with NESA to submit feedback on draft syllabuses on behalf of the sector, disseminate information to schools about aspects of the curriculum reform process, provide advice about and develop support materials for teachers and provide opportunities for ongoing professional learning throughout the reform process.

Independent School Teacher Involvement in NESA’s Teacher Expert Networks

In keeping with the NSW Government’s aim to ensure that the new curriculum is implemented in partnership with teachers, one-third of the 216 teachers selected to participate in NESA’s newly-formed Teacher Expert Networks (TENs) have been drawn from independent schools. These 72 primary and secondary classroom teachers represent the broad diversity of schools within our sector; they come from metropolitan, regional and rural schools and have a range of backgrounds and experiences including teachers who work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, students with disability, and students with English as an additional language or dialect (EAL/D). It is their role to:

  • user-test new resources
  • provide feedback and advice to NESA on the new curriculum
  •  share knowledge about the new curriculum in their schools, regions and sectors.

Independent School Teacher Involvement as Syllabus Writers

The names of potential syllabus writers from the independent sector are submitted to NESA as requested.