We are pleased to announce that applications are now open for 2024 Experienced Teacher accreditation. The application period for 2024 Experienced Teacher closes on Thursday 6 April 2023.

Experienced Teacher accreditation provides an opportunity for the recognition of teachers whose skills and practice consistently reflect the Standards at the level of Experienced Teacher.

It is recommended that eligible teachers who are interested in applying for Experienced Teacher accreditation meet with their principal to discuss their eligibility, readiness and intention to apply. Prior to making an application, interested teachers are advised to read the 2024 Experienced Teacher Accreditation Handbook and Evidence Guide which can be found here

Eligible teachers can apply through their AISNSW Profile.

2024 Experienced Teacher accreditation will continue to reflect a streamlined approach for applicants, including several descriptors being able to be demonstrated via an attestation by the Principal and an in-school lesson observation.

The IT processes for the 2024 Experienced Teacher cohort commencing this year will be similar to the 2023 Experienced Teacher cohort. Eligible applicants and their supervisors will be asked to participate in a mandatory briefing session which will provide a detailed overview of the streamlined process and provide access to the relevant IT platforms, such as Mighty Networks. Applicants will use an AISNSW OneDrive account to upload evidence to finalise their submission. The ISTAA team will support applicants and supervisors in using these platforms.

For further information about Experienced Teacher accreditation visit the AISNSW Accreditation page