A summary of important information for schools about NESA’s revised Assessment Certification Examination (ACE) rules is now available.

On 13 June 2024, AISNSW hosted a webinar for Heads of NSW Independent schools and School Leaders responsible for curriculum for the ROSA and HSC to hear from senior NESA colleagues about the revised ACE rules and the implications for schools.

A copy of the presentation slides from the webinar is available here.

Summary of key changes

NESA has published the revised ACE rules which can be found on NESA’s Curriculum website here.

The revised ACE rules have been reorganised and consolidated with the aim to:

  • reduce repetition
  • ensure clarity about each rule, where discretion is allowed, and the responsibilities of schools, principals, students and NESA by rephrasing and reframing the rules
  • move general advice and additional information from the rules and relocating it to NESA’s website.

These changes have resulted in a clearer structure and an overall reduction in the number of rules.

The majority of the ACE rules have no change of substance, however, some changes may require schools to review and update some policy and procedures in light of the revised ACE rules, key areas of change include:

  • increased specificity about assessment policies and procedures, including formal assessment program requirements, calculating and submitting assessment marks and grades, and malpractice
  • revised retention requirements for number of assessment work samples for retention requirements
  • clarifications about course entries, course changes and record retention
  • clarifications about Life skills eligibility and changes
  • clarification about VET assessment requirements.

Further changes to be published

Further changes to the revised ACE rules website are expected to be published by the start of Term 3, these changes include:

  • migration of the existing ACE rules regarding course completion to the revised ACE rules website which currently states that these rules are under review – AISNSW understands that NESA will review the clarity of these rules at a future date
  • minor edits to the sequence and wording of some rules for further clarity.

It is expected that there will also be enhancements made to the revised ACE rules website prior to 14 October 2024 (e.g. addition of a glossary, enhanced search function).

Implementation timeline

The revised ACE rules take effect from 14 October 2024, and apply to students:

  • commencing HSC courses from October 2024,
  • sitting HSC exams in 2025, and
  • receiving the RoSA from October 2024.

Actions for Independent schools 

Independent schools are advised to:

  • familiarise themselves with the revised ACE rules (note each subsection can be downloaded as a PDF which is date stamped)
  • review their assessment policies and procedures and update as needed prior to issuing to students, to ensure consistency with the revised ACE rules.

To assist schools, NESA has published overview information sheets for each ACE group of rules. NESA will shortly publish a high-level checklist of actions for schools for each ACE group of rules and interactive ACE table of contents document for ease of navigation of the ACE rules.

NESA professional learning

NESA is offering a NESA-accredited professional learning module – A Spotlight on Clarified ACE: Leading the Transition. This NESA PL has an explicit focus on what schools need to do before 14 October 2024, with a particular focus on assessment policies.

This NESA PL is a 1-hour module delivered in-person or virtually by NESA Liaison Officers. Depending on numbers, schools may be able to arrange a session for their own school staff, or staff from across a group of schools. Alternatively, independent school staff can join an existing session.

To access this professional learning schools should contact their NESA Liaison Officer directly.

AISNSW support for schools

In addition to the webinar held on 13 June 2023, AISNSW plans to develop some sample policies and procedures for member schools to assist with the implementation of the revised ACE rules.

AISNSW will keep member schools up to date on any additional changes, information and when the sample policies and procedures are available.

For further information or advice and support about the revised ACE rules please contact the AISNSW Regulation Team on (02) 9299 2845 or regulations@aisnsw.edu.au