Teachers and Staff

Funded Programs and Projects

To support teachers in independent schools AISNSW develops and implements significant projects, programs and courses in schools. Some are made possible through gratefully accepted Commonwealth and NSW State Government funding initiatives, as well as through benevolence. 

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education

AISNSW provides consultancy support to primary and secondary schools to create an authentic connection between their curriculum areas, their local Aboriginal community and engage with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture to enhance all students’ understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and knowledge systems.

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Road Safety Education

Road Safety Education (RSE) in schools aims to prepare and equip children and young people with the knowledge, skills and positive attitudes that will enable them to stay safe in and around different traffic environments.
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Live Life Well @ School

Proudly funded by NSW Health, Live Life Well @ School supports teachers’ knowledge, skills and confidence to promote healthy eating and physical activity as a whole-school approach.
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