Live Life Well @ School

Live Life Well @ School is an initiative that aims to enhance teachers’ knowledge, skills and confidence to promote healthy eating and physical activity as a whole-school approach and through the Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) K-10.

Live Life Well @ School supports schools to:

  • Develop whole school strategies that support physical activity and healthy eating
  • Improve the teaching of nutrition and physical education through a focus on PDHPE K-10 programs and complemented in wellbeing time
  • Foster community partnerships that promote and support whole of school strategies
  • Provide opportunities for more students to be more active, more often

Proudly funded by NSW Health, AISNSW supports Live Life Well @ School by providing resources and professional learning to teachers in Independent schools throughout NSW.

What is a whole-school approach to healthy eating and physical activity?

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A whole-school approach is the climate surrounding students and staff including curriculum, school policy and practices, school ethos, activities and the actions modelled to students by their school community, including staff, families and community groups. The aim of a whole-school approach is to protect and promote the overall health and wellbeing of students, staff and wider school community groups.

When it comes to whole-school approaches research tells us that interventions led by the whole-school community are shown to be more effective than those led by a single staff member.

Schools are encouraged to implement the Five Live Life Well @ School Practices.

1. Explicitly teach and assess fundamental movement skill development as part of PDHPE.

4.  Provide classes with the opportunity to eat vegetables and/or fruit and drink water.

2. Provide a supportive outdoor physical activity environment.

5. Offer a healthy canteen that provides food and drinks consistent with the NSW Healthy School Canteen Strategy.

3. Promote safe and active travel to school.

While it is important to have quality teaching and learning on nutrition and physical education, we also need to ensure other aspects of the school are providing and promoting consistent messaging for students to validate their learning in PDHPE. 

Are our teaching and learning programs high quality and meeting the needs of our specific students and context? What food and drinks are being sold in the canteen? Are we selling healthy foods for fundraising? Could we support parents with information on healthy lunches? What healthy eating and physical activity initiatives could we participate in as a school community?