Teachers and Staff

Supporting Students and Staff

Supporting students to achieve their potential at school means sustaining effective whole-school wellbeing practices and building confidence and expertise among teaching staff. A robust approach where students thrive, provides a solid base on which to support all students, regardless of their needs.

Students with Disability and Diverse Needs

The Student Services team works in collaboration with AISNSW member schools to assist in addressing the needs of students who may require additional planning, support and adjustments.

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Mental Health and Wellbeing

AISNSW is committed to assisting independent schools to provide a safe and supportive environment for all students. The Student Services team works in collaboration with schools to seek assistance with whole-school approaches to wellbeing (prevention) as well as more targeted supports and intensive interventions for students.

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Mental Health Services Directory

The Mental Health Services Directory has been designed by AISNSW to provide member schools with clear information about a curated selection of services available in their region.
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Whole-school Wellbeing

The AISNSW Wellbeing Framework is designed to assist schools in reviewing, evaluating, and strengthening wellbeing processes and practices for all members of the school community. AISNSW has also developed the Whole-school Wellbeing initiative, a 12-18 month, multi-component initiative focused on strengthening approaches to student wellbeing.
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Nationally Consistent Collection of Data for School Students with Disability (NCCD)

The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) on school students with disability collects information about students with disability across Australia in a consistent, reliable and systematic way.
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Framework of Behaviour Support and Student Engagement

Students present with diverse needs and require support in different ways across all aspects of school life. Support provided by AISNSW aims to build capacity in schools to develop and sustain equitable multi-level systems of support to ensure academic and social-emotional success.
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