Technology Services

AISNSW provides comprehensive ICT services to support leaders in independent schools to achieve their strategic priorities with a robust, scalable and secure platform.

Cyber Security Webinars - A Series for School Decision Makers

School decisions makers need to maintain awareness of the most significant risks, mitigation strategies and attack responses to ensure cyber security for valued stakeholders. AISNSW member school login required.
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Technology Consultative Group

The Technology Consultative Group (TCG) is a group representing Independent Schools across NSW in relation to matters of strategic importance in this sector. Members of the group seek to raise matters affecting the independent school community and work collaboratively within and beyond the group to find solutions to medium/long-term ICT issues.
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ICT Advisory Service

AISNSW is in a unique position to offer an ICT Advisory Service to provide independent advice in relation to the effectiveness of your school’s ICT operations. The program has provided significant value to many independent schools to date.
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Member Advantage Program

Independent Schools represent a significant purchaser of licences. As such AISNSW seeks to negotiate access to unique licensing pricing for Iindependent schools.
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Sector ICT Advocacy

Whilst we value the independence of every Independent school, there are times when AISNSW can add value to advocate for the needs of the sector.
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