Since 2019, Independent schools have benefited from using the AISNSW Perspectives: Your School in Focus survey, which gathers rigorous perception information from staff, parents, students, and board members. This holistic survey examines various areas of your school community, including student wellbeing, school environment, teaching and learning, leadership, and community engagement.
Harnessing the power of data has become increasingly crucial for schools to make evidence-informed decisions and drive strategic directions. By utilising the Perspectives survey reports, schools have been able to navigate their way toward evidence-enriched practices. This strategic approach has allowed numerous schools, both large and small, across the Independent sector to make informed choices about their future.
Perspectives: Your School in Focus is provided at a cost of $22,000 per survey window. An AISNSW member discount ($5,000) applies and eligible schools can access Australian Government funding through the Choice and Affordability Fund ($10,000). If both are applied this results in a cost of $7,000 + GST to the school.
As part of the Perspectives: Your School in Focus service, two hours of data interpretation support are available to your school. This session entails a deeper look into areas of note from your dataset, and an opportunity to upskill your team in valuable data interpretation skills.
Comparative Reports provide opportunities to compare your school’s mean scores against the aggregate of schools that have completed to date. Each report is available at a cost of $495 +GST.
School leaders can effectively track strategic priorities using Perspectives data, selecting interconnected survey items aligned with school goals. Baseline data from the initial survey period identifies areas of strength and opportunities, informing the development of action plans and appropriate professional learning. The Perspectives survey also focuses on student wellbeing, enabling leaders to compare social and emotional learning elements over time and gain insights into intervention effectiveness for a comprehensive approach.
Perspectives: Your School in Focus continues to be an invaluable tool that enables Independent schools to gather rigorous data from various stakeholder groups. We encourage schools to take advantage of this opportunity to build evidence-enriched practices, enabling them to thrive in the ever-evolving educational landscape.
For more information about using the Perspectives suite of surveys contact Tiffany Roos, Director: The Evidence Institute.