While Australian school communities celebrated World Teachers' Day on 27 October, we know that every day is an opportunity to celebrate teachers and the incredible contributions they make to our society. 

As a part of the AISNSW Teacher Appreciation initiative, we will be showcasing Independent school teachers, nominated by their fellow teachers for their commitment to the teaching profession. 

Read also about the number of Independent educators who were honoured by the Teachers' Guild of NSW recently.

Teacher Appreciation: Sarah Bradstock - Mount St Benedict College

“Every student has a different lock, you just have to find the right key.”

It is this connected approach that has won the hearts and minds of Science teacher Sarah Bradstock’s students, as she has spent her career looking for that bond that, as she says, gives her “permission to teach.” Sarah teaches at Mt St Benedict College, and it became clear through a school-based teacher feedback process – Bennies Best of the Best – what her students thought of her: “Not just informative, but also engaging”, “Her classes are genuinely exciting”, and “she makes complex concepts enjoyable.”

Sarah’s love of science came from her starting her working life as a vet, however she began to realise that in creating pamphlets about looking after pets, and showing her clients how to do so, that it was teaching she truly loved. She then returned to university to get her teaching degree, and she has not looked back. She has worked across several Independent girls’ schools, and loves seeing the light go on in students’ eyes when they “get” a new idea or topic. Sarah fondly remembers her English teacher, Mrs Benoit, who she felt really knew her students, and was so knowledgeable about her subject and willing to connect that she inspired Sarah’s thinking about her own practice.

Sarah’s colleagues remark on her humble approach to teaching, always willing to try a new or different way to connect with her students. They also admire her collaboration and collegiality, something Sarah has shared beyond her school in her textbook writing.

Sarah strongly believes that as a teacher, she never stops learning, growing and improving, and she feels privileged to be in a room with young people and share their energy. She has great hopes for the coming generation, seeing their passion, and is thrilled that she is part of their journey.

Teachers' Guild of NSW Awards

Several Independent school teachers were recently honoured with awards at the Teachers' Guild of NSW Annual Dinner.

Dr Briony Scott, Principal of Wenona School in Sydney was awarded with the Phyllis Evans Medal for her contributions to education.

Independent school teachers who became 2023 Honorary Fellows of the Guild included:

Phillip Bailey - Redeemer Baptist School
Mary Duma - International Grammar School
Stuart Garth - Redeemer Baptist School
Jenelle Seaman - Redeemer Baptist School
Dr Jonathon Mascorella - Loretto Kirribili
Iris Nastasi - Rosebank College

Award for Teachers in Early Years of Teaching:
Primary School Division Finalists:
Meg Anderson - Penrith Anglican College - WINNER
Tom Higgins - Northern Beaches Christian School
Bethany Lo - Georges River Grammar
Nikki Tallada - Penrith Anglican College
Caitlin Wilcox - Pittwater House

Award for Teachers in Early Years of Teaching:
Senior School Division Finalists:

James Adams - Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill
Katie Brown - Trinity Grammar School
Molly Cameron - Ravenswood School for Girls’
Julia Montgomery - OLMC Parramatta
Brittany Shapcott - The Scots College

The Research Award Finalists:
Victoria Adamovich - Pymble Ladies' College

World Teachers’ Recognition Awards:
Kirsty Begg - St Augustine's College Sydney
Jodie Blacker - International Grammar School
Vicky Boyd - Brigidine College St Ives
Katrina Braun - Lakes Grammar
Heidi Broadbent - Trinity Grammar School
Hyun-Mi Cho - Trinity Grammar School
Josh Clark - Loreto Kirribilli
Trish Davis - Wenona School
Danielle Deguara - Rosebank College
Marian Dunbar - Trinity Grammar School
Marcel El Hachem - Rosebank College
Meredith Ferris - Brigidine College St Ives
Rhys Finemore - St. Andrew's Cathedral School
Marina Foti - International Grammar School
Benjamin Fraser - Trinity Grammar School
Greg Georgiou - Rosebank College
Genelle Griffin - Thomas Hassall Anglican College
Katharine Groves - St. Andrew's Cathedral School
Robert Gulson - The Scots College
Benjamen Haeusler - Georges River Grammar
Rick Hampson - Lakes Grammar
Lisa Hansford - Thomas Hassall Anglican College
Amanda Hill - Rosebank College
Paul Hollis - Wenona School
Rachel Jensen - Trinity Grammar School
Cynthia Jobe-Parker - Lakes Grammar
Jessica Kelshaw - Arndell Anglican College
Barbara LaCoste - Northern Beaches Christian School
Amanda Larkin - St. Andrew's Cathedral School
Kate Layhe - St. Andrew's Cathedral School
Carmen Lee - Trinity Grammar School
Yvette Lewington - Wenona School
Linda Macqueen - Wenona School
Byron Mark - Thomas Hassall Anglican College
Cheryl McArthur - Rosebank College
Colm McCaughan - Rosebank College
Elyse McDonough - The Scots College, Sydney
Kylie McPherson - Lakes Grammar
Domonique Mileto - Wenona School
Ross Millar - Wenona School
Claire Moran - Rosebank College
Sachie Murata - St. Augustine’s College
Iris Nastasi - Rosebank College
Harriet O'Donnell - St. Andrew's Cathedral School
Joshua Owen - Central Coast Grammar School
Rose Papalia - St. Augustine’s College
Nicholas Pay - Trinity Grammar School
Mackenzie Pedersen - Cranbrook School
Christina Penna - Northern Beaches Christian School
Ruth Phillips - Penrith Christian School
Susan Power - Peakhurst West Public School
Jessica Price - International Grammar School
Craig Robinson - Northern Beaches Christian School
Luke Robinson - Thomas Hassall Anglican College
Chris Rutherford - Brigidine College St Ives
Brittany Skea - Wenona School
Jason Smith - Rosebank College
Montanna Teh - Wenona School
Skye Wacher - Brigidine College St Ives
Bronwyn Wake - St. Andrew's Cathedral School
Ethan Wark - Arndell Anglican College
Michelle Weir - International Grammar School
Ilona Welch - St. Augustine’s College
Lucy Whelan - St. Andrew's Cathedral School
Danielle Wong - International Grammar School
Kasey Wood - Wenona School
Katherine Woodburn - Northern Beaches Christian School
Dany Yako - Thomas Hassall Anglican College
Cathy Yarad - Trinity Grammar School