Whole-School Wellbeing

To support schools to prepare for and respond to a natural disaster, a curated selection of resources is listed below focused on supporting staff and student wellbeing. Resources are also available for schools to support parents/carers to assist their child/ren.

AISNSW Consultants are available to provide support to Independent schools in the implementation of a whole-school approach to wellbeing. Please contact the AISNSW Student Services Portfolio for further information.

Staff Wellbeing

Whilst supporting students and families, it is important for educators and school staff to look after themselves, particularly those who may be directly affected.

Resources in this section encourage school staff to support their own wellbeing.

Many schools offer an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to their employees which can provide emotional, mental and general psychological support in a variety of forms. Staff should discuss access to this program with their school.

Be You
Australian Psychological Society

Student Wellbeing

One of the most important things school staff can do is to care for students, recognise any changes to behaviour and emotions and if impacted, support students get back to their normal routine, where possible. This creates predictability to help students to feel safe and contained.

Resources in this section will enable school staff to build capacity and understanding when preparing and supporting students impacted by natural disasters.

Be You
Emerging Minds
  • Community Trauma Toolkit: Educators
    Resources in this toolkit are designed for teachers working with children and families in areas affected by natural disaster or community trauma.
MacKillop Seasons
  • Suite of Programs: Loss and grief education
    Evidence-based programs build knowledge and capacity of professionals to provide a safe space for children, young people and adults to learn knowledge, skills and attitudes to understand and respond to experiences of change, loss and grief.
Australian Psychological Society

Supporting Parent and Carers

Resources in this section will enable school staff to build capacity and understanding when supporting parents and carers with students at school impacted by natural disasters.

Be You
Emerging Minds
  • Parent Portal
    Includes self-help content, community forums and one-on-one support.
Australian Psychological Society