Aboriginal Cultural and Community Virtual Yarns

Webinar Series

The Aboriginal Cultural and Community Yarn webinar series provides teachers with the knowledge and understanding to build a strengths-based approach to engaging with Aboriginal community through developing awareness of cultural protocols that lead to culturally safe two-way partnerships between schools and community. Each session builds knowledge and understanding, providing strategies that participants can implement in their local context.

Join us for this cultural webinar series in partnership with Culture College Aboriginal Corporation and Stuart McMinn to develop a greater understanding of Aboriginal histories and cultures and connecting with community.   

NESA Accredited PD 

This course will be submitted to NESA to be accredited for 6 hours under the priority area of Aboriginal education and supporting Aboriginal students/children.

Session Dates

  • Session 1: Tuesday 15 February (3:15pm for 3:30pm – 5:00pm) 

  • Session 2: Tuesday 1 March (3:15pm for 3:30pm – 5:00pm) 

  • Session 3: Tuesday 15 March (3:15pm for 3:30pm – 5:00pm) 

  • Session 4: Tuesday 29 March (3:15pm for 3:30pm – 5:00pm) 

Attend all 4 sessions for 6 hours NESA Accredited PD under the priority area of Aboriginal education and supporting Aboriginal students/children.

Attend 1, 2 or 3 sessions for Elective PD.