Chemical Safety in Schools
Chemical safety is an important issue for schools.
All schools need to manage hazardous chemicals as per the WHS Regulations. This includes maintaining a hazardous chemicals register and holding current Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) for each hazardous chemical and ensuring all containers are appropriately labelled.
Some examples of where you may find chemicals in schools:
Staff areas and kitchens - washing up liquid, dishwasher chemicals.
Laboratories - various laboratory chemicals.
Art classrooms - paints, solvents, glues.
Technical classrooms - solvents, stains, glues.
Photography dark rooms - developers, fixatives.
Cleaner's storerooms - cleaning detergents, bleaches, drain cleaners.
Maintenance sheds / rooms - petrol, paints, spray paints, oils.
Swimming pools - acids, chlorine.
Science and Technology
The Science K-10 syllabus, which incorporates Science and Technology K- 6, states that "A student's sense of wonder and curiosity about the natural and made world is fostered through actively engaging in the processes of Working Scientifically and Working Technologically". While schools foster learning through practical activities, they must also meet work health and safety (WHS) obligations as a business.