Emergency Management

Emergency Management encompasses the consideration  of all situations when schools need to deal with a situation that arises unexpectedly. 

Schools need to consider how to:

  • Prevent emergencies,
  • Prepare for emergencies,
  • Respond to emergencies, and
  • Recover from emergencies.

This page provides information, links and resources to assist schools with emergency management practices.

Building Disaster Resilient Futures

Emergency Management Australia have developed and provide links to many resources aimed at schools wishing to build disaster resilience into the curriculum to enable children to understand the risk of disaster in their communities, play a role in reducing and preparing for these risks and can help to support them through the recovery process.

Building disaster resilience in students supports them, their families and the wider community. 

Web Links:

Emergency Management Overview - Online Course

The Office of Emergency Management run a number of courses to provide persons involved in emergency management key information on emergency management.

Due to the role school principals have in managing evacuations and emergencies, the Office of Emergency Management have granted Principals access to the "Emergency Management Overview" course. The online course outlines current information on legislation, the planning framework, roles and responsibilities, committee structures, and the comprehensive approach to, emergency management in NSW. This self paced short course is offered online, and free of charge.

Click here to access more information on the course.

The Office of Emergency Management has asked that Principals identify their school within the registration process, so they can have a record of who has completed the training from the Education Sector. Also, the Principals will need to identify a manager in their registration, this is purely for their information only. 

Emergency Management Agency Links

Resources and information on planning for emergencies, and news on state and national emergencies

Information on and planning for fires

Urban fire and rescue service managing fire emergencies in NSW’s major cities and towns.

Emergency help for floods, storm and tsunami

Official weather and warnings website

Information relating to overseas travel arrangements

Flood Recovery

Tools and Information

Fire Brigades Regulation 2014, Regulation 47 details the penalty for a false alarm call out

Information for workplaces on fire safety such as fire alarms and extinguishers

Provides assistance in identifying preventative measures to reduce the risk of fire and arson to the community

Research and information sharing on bushfire and natural disasters

Where there is a risk from bush fire, the NSW Rural Fire Service uses Bush Fire Alerts to provide information to affected communities

What to do when there is a total fire ban

What do the fire danger ratings mean?

Neighbourhood Safer Places (NSP) Places of last resort if all other options in your Bush Fire Survival Plan cannot be implemented

National Code of Practice for managing security sensitive chemicals