Enhances and strengthens your personal and professional effectiveness in a highly personalised and holistic way. The focus of this ongoing partnership with an experienced principal and The Leadership Circle™ accredited practitioner is increasing your self awareness to lead yourself, others, the school and the school community more effectively and sustainably.
What is it?
Professional Companioning is the term coined to describe a holistic means of supporting school leaders in their personal and professional growth. It is a blended approach that incorporates elements of roles such as mentor, coach, consultant and critical friend, as well as strategic co planner, pastoral carer and ultimate purpose partner.
Who are Professional Companions?
Professional Companioning is conducted by veteran principals selected by the AIS Leadership Centre. They come from Independent, Catholic and government school backgrounds. Every Professional Companion has completed additional training and certification, including accreditation with The Leadership Circle™. The role of a Professional Companion is to ‘walk with’ rather than ‘tell how’. They assist their clients to gain self-awareness, and weave together insights into their ‘needs’ and effectiveness on-the-job.