English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D)

Students for whom English is an additional language or dialect come from diverse backgrounds representing a significant and growing percentage of learners in NSW schools. They may be overseas-born or Australian-born students, whose first language or dialect is a language other than English. EAL/D students may include:

  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students whose first language is an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander language, including Kriols/creoles and related varieties, or Aboriginal English.
  • immigrants to Australia and temporary visa holders from countries where English is not the first language.
  • students of refugee backgrounds.
  • children born in Australia of migrant heritage where English is not spoken at home.
  • English-speaking students returning to Australia after extended periods in non-English speaking settings.
  • children of Deaf adults who use Auslan as their first language.
  • international students from countries where English is not the first language.
  • EAL/D students may also include students who are gifted and/or have a disability.

AISNSW EAL/D Teachers’ Network

The AISNSW EAL/D Teachers’ Network is a group of colleagues working in the independent sector to support students with English as an additional language or dialect. By joining the network, you have access to an online hub that is a a trusted space for teachers of EAL/D students to connect, share ideas, ask questions, access resources and participate in professional learning. A Network meeting is held online once a term and the agenda is determined by the group.

EAL/D Teachers’ Network Meetings 2024

The dates for the EAL/D Teachers’ Network Meetings for 2024 are as follows:

  • Term 1 – Monday 12 February 3:30pm – 4:30pm. Focus: English Language Proficiency Screening
  • Term 2 – Wednesday 15 May 3:30pm – 4:30pm
  • Term 3 – Monday 5 August 3:30pm – 4:30pm
  • Term 4 – Monday 21 October 3:30pm – 4:30pm

If you are not yet a member of the Network and you would like to join, please contact Teaching and Learning Consultant Renae Watkins for access details to the Network Hub.

Current Network members can access the links to join the termly Network Meetings through the Network hub.

Professional Learning Opportunities 2024

AISNSW are providing a series of webinars on relevant topics over the course of the year. These are made available to AISNSW member schools at no charge. The topics to be covered include:

Term 3 2024

Term 4 2024

  • EAL/D Education for Aboriginal students’: Date to be advised