Employment Relations

AISNSW provides advice and assistance to member schools about a wide range of employment and industrial relations matters. Using the menu below, you will find important information on the many facets related to good practice in employment matters, including resource tools and other material that will assist schools to meet their obligations as employers.

Revised template employment contracts and staff code of conduct are now available. For further information, assistance or specific advice member schools should contact a member of the Workplace Management Team either by email or on (02) 9299 2845.

Latest News

Update to Multi-Enterprise Agreement Pay Rates (NSW/ACT) >

Increases to expense-related allowances have also taken place in line with changes to the Consumer Price Index (CPI). These increases affect both the Multi-Enterprise Agreements and Modern Awards and will be effective from your school’s first full pay period on or after 1 July 2024.

Update to Modern Award Pay Rates and Impact on MEAs >

On 3 June 2024, the Fair Work Commission determined the Annual Wage Review 2023-2024 providing for a 3.75% increase to the minimum pay rates and wage-related allowances in modern awards. The increase is applicable from the first full pay period on, or after 1 July 2024.

Government to pay superannuation on paid parental leave > 

On Thursday 7 March 2024, the Federal Government announced that from 1 July 2025, the Government will pay superannuation on the Commonwealth Paid Parental Leave (PPL) for eligible parents.

Documents and Resources

The AISNSW Employment Relations team has compiled a range of documents and resources to assist schools.

Workplace Agreements

View Multi-Enterprise Agreements, Fair Work Commission Decisions, Pay Scales and archives.

Casual Employment

View casual employment information, FAQs and conversion letters.

Contracts and Commencement of Employment

View contracts, letter of appointment and other related documents.

Residential Tenancy Agreements

Documents and videos regarding boarding schools.


The calculators on this page will assist schools to calculate the appropriate leave entitlements for staff.


AISNSW has compiled a list of frequently asked questions to assist schools in employment relations.

Employment Relations Courses

Explore upcoming employment relations courses
See more