AISNSW Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Perspectives Courses

Embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, histories and languages into the curriculum provides authentic opportunities for all students to gain a deeper understanding of the traditional custodians of the lands they live and learn, along with increasing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students’ engagement.  

The teaching of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cross-curriculum priorities requires teachers to develop their own understandings and connections. This includes selection of appropriate resources, connecting with local Aboriginal community and identifying opportunities to further embed and engage students in learning opportunities. Developing these skills and understandings take time and require teachers to engage in their own learning journey.

Throughout the year, AISNSW will be providing opportunities for teachers to begin or further their own learning by engaging in a suite of NESA Accredited Professional Development courses that focus on the cross-curriculum priority area of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures through a range of K-10 syllabus documents.

Each course has been developed to provide participants with advice and strategies to strengthen their curriculum knowledge and demonstrate their growth through a series of tasks that can be implemented into their classrooms.

       For more information please contact

Rosalyn Thomas
(02) 92483639
Senior Consultant: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education

AISNSW provides consultancy support to primary and secondary schools to create an authentic connection between their curriculum areas, their local Aboriginal community and engage with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture to enhance all students’ understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and knowledge systems.
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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Courses and Events

Throughout the year, a range of courses and conferences will provide primary and secondary staff with an opportunity to develop and demonstrate the skills and cultural understandings to enhance Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education within their school context.
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