Positive Behavioural Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

AISNSW is offering NSW independent schools the opportunity to join the Positive Behavioural Interventions and Supports (PBIS) which is part of a new initiative to be launched by AISNSW.

PBIS focuses on achieving improved social and learning outcomes whilst preventing problem behaviour.

PBIS is a broad term that refers to the positive and proactive interventions and systems used to achieve school wide changes to student behaviour.

Rather than focusing on individual behavioural interventions and addressing behaviour problems on a student by student basis, PBIS is a proactive, whole school, team-based framework with an emphasis placed on prevention of problem behaviour and development of pro-social skills.

The most effective tool a teacher has at handling problem behaviour is to PREVENT the problem behaviour from occurring in the first place.

PBIS emphasises teaching appropriate behaviours and providing contextually relevant and school-based systems of support. 

PBIS enhances a school’s capacity to design and implement effective environments that are conducive to quality teaching and learning.

PBIS is designed to support whole schools and class teachers.

PBIS Three-tiered Concept

PBIS increases the capacity of schools to educate all students utilising research-based school-wide, classroom and individualised interventions. The PBIS framework guides schools in meeting the needs of all students at all tiers through a continuum of interventions. The figure beside represents the PBIS three-tiered concept.

Participating Schools Resources

These resources are for school based PBIS Teams implementing Tier 1.
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