The Evidence Institute believe we can enable an optimistic future by gathering and generating impactful evidence to support independent schools in providing excellent education opportunities.

The Institute has been established at a time when significant change and disruption are impacting a wide range of industries, including education. It recognises the importance of exploring the ways society understands the place of schools, teachers, and the role they play in shaping future generations.

Growing and Nurturing Educators (GANE)

The GANE initiative is developing innovative, evidence-based projects that specifically grow and nurture Independent school educators.

Research Community & Professional Learning

Access our range of evidence-based professional learning experiences, network and commissioned research.

Perspectives Surveys

Perspectives is a suite of surveys designed specifically to gather robust data that reflects the distinctiveness of Independent schools.

Latest News

“Not all heroes wear capes”: Celebrating our teachers through art >

School students have represented their teachers as everyday superheros in a statewide art competition hosted by AISNSW.

Coming soon: the recruitED Service >

Recognising the need to attract and retain great talent in Independent schools, AISNSW is excited to announce the upcoming launch of the recruitED service.

Effective Mentoring: Developing Stronger Teachers and Future Leaders >

Mentoring can play a key role in the development of teachers and is particularly important when change is involved. This might include those in the early years of their career, taking on a leadership role for the first time, or becoming the principal of a school. 


Meet The Evidence Institute

The Evidence Institute is staffed by a team of researchers and educators with a broad range of experience and expertise. They are committed to bridging the research to practice gap in the independent sector.
Meet the team