This study aims to explore the evaluation practices of gifted programs in Australian independent schools. Furthermore, it seeks to identify the methodologies used, factors affecting these evaluations, and how the experiences and perceptions of involved stakeholders influence the evaluation processes.
The researchers are looking to recruit senior executive leaders and gifted education leaders in schools that have an existing gifted education program since these schools are more likely to have engaged in program evaluation. An existing gifted program, in this instance, is a program that has been present in the school for 12 months and one day or more.
What does participation involve?
If you decide to take part in the research study, we will ask you to participate in an online interview, and you will be asked questions about gifted program evaluation in your school. Principals (or senior leader representatives) will also be asked to provide anonymised documents relevant to gifted program evaluation practices at your school. The documents may include, but are not limited to curriculum documents, program outlines, evaluation reports, and other related printed communications. Participants may participate in the interview without principals submitting documents to the research team.
Participants will receive anonymised copies of these documents via email from the research team a week prior to the scheduled interview, to allow them to review the documents. In the interview, we will discuss the documents relevant to gifted program evaluation that your principal has provided to the research team.
The interview will take place using Microsoft Teams and will take approximately 45 minutes. With your permission, the research team would like to video record the interview. Since Microsoft Teams will automatically record audio and video, if you do not wish to be video recorded, you may turn your camera off. The research team will only use and retain audio and visual recordings for transcription. It will not publish recordings that can identify individuals (i.e., identifiable information) when reporting the research results or within the publication. If you do not wish to be recorded but you would like to participate you advise the research team and written notes will be taken.
There are no costs associated with participating in this research project, nor will you be paid. However, you will receive an Amazon gift card of $25 to reimburse you for your time while completing the online interview.
What happens next?
For further information about participating, please see the PISCFs in the Additional Resources list or email: with the subject line ‘Gifted Program Evaluation Study”.