How can AISNSW support me?

We are committed to ensuring that you develop:

  • confidence in your understanding of new syllabus documents 
  • competence in your ability to implement these documents

As the period of curriculum reform unfolds, AISNSW will be offering a wide range of opportunities for professional learning designed to meet the needs of school leaders, executive and teachers.

These will cover key areas such as:

  • Syllabus familiarisation
  • Planning and programming with the new syllabus documents
  • Digging deeper into syllabus components
  • Building teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge
  • Resource selection and use
  • Assessment and reporting
  • Planning for the change process
  • Leading and managing curriculum change
  • Compliance advice and support

Courses will be available in a variety of modes, including face-to-face, blended (including virtual), webinar and self-paced learning experiences.

We also welcome requests for the provision of bespoke consultancies suited to the needs of your school executive, leaders and teachers. Please contact Sue Pike, Manager: K-12 Curriculum, for assistance.

AISNSW Professional Learning 2024: Implementing the NSW Curriculum

Throughout 2024, we will continue to provide syllabus implementation support for schools as they develop their confidence and competence in implementing all new K-12 syllabuses released as part of the NSW Curriculum Reform.

A range of face-to-face, blended and online self-paced offerings have been developed to suit the needs of schools and teachers within our sector. Please click on the buttons below to see full details of our offerings.

Curriculum Reform Courses

See all upcoming courses relevant to curriculum reform.
See all

Pathways through the Professional Learning Experiences: 

NSW English and Mathematics K-6 Syllabuses