Principles of Instruction - Lesson Closure


Lesson Closure provides an opportunity for teachers to conduct a final, brief review of the lesson and to check and confirm that student learning has occurred at the conclusion of a lesson. The Lesson Closure principle allows students to demonstrate to teachers that they have learned the content that has just been taught. This component can also assist teachers to identify any students who require additional support with the content and whether any misconceptions need to be clarified.

  Classroom Illustration

The Lesson Closure is one of the principles of an explicitly taught lesson that contributes students being successful in learning and understanding the key concepts. It provides teachers with the opportunity to:

  • Check for understanding (CFU) whether students have understood the Learning Intentions and demonstrated the Success Criteria of the lesson
  • Review the main points, skills, facts and processes from the lesson.

Teachers can revise the concepts of the instruction in the Lesson Closure and check for understanding in a variety of ways including:

  • Whole class answers such as: choral responses, whiteboards, gestures, journal entries or student reflections.
  • Pair-share, for example the teacher instructs and says: ‘Partner A, tell Partner B what we learnt today’
  • Calling on non-volunteers to answer questions that are carefully selected by the teacher about the lesson content.

Pair-share’ as well as showing answers on a mini-whiteboard are effective strategies to use when closing a lesson.

  Personalised Learning

A barrier can be an obstacle or issue that may prevent students from successfully accessing and participating in the instructional practice. When engaging with the Lesson Closure component of an explicitly taught lesson, there can be some potential barriers for students with additional needs. These may include the complexity of teacher vocabulary and amount of key content to be included in the lesson review.

Some potential adjustments may include:

  • Providing outline of content, either intact or cut up to arrange in order.
  • Providing a checklist of key content for student to tick.
  • Using visuals that support key content.
  • Using another mode (e.g. technology or hand signal) that allows students to respond chorally.
  • Responding to a peer or teacher assistant in lieu of responding in a larger group.
  • Providing technology recap and/or video repeat of key content.
  • Using eye gaze or pointing to indicate a response.

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