Principles of Instruction - Daily Review


The Daily Review consolidates students’ understanding and develops their fluency in essential understandings for literacy and numeracy sessions. It also ensures that students have the prerequisite skills for the day’s lesson. The Daily Review adds to students’ confidence by ensuring that previously taught skills and concepts are reviewed in a sequenced and planned way. The Daily Review should be delivered for approximately 15 to 20 minutes just prior to the Teacher Presentation.

  Classroom Illustration

The Daily Review is divided into three sections:

  • fluency building
  • a planned cycle of revision
  • prerequisite skills for the day’s lesson

Teachers of younger students often use the strategy of seating students on the classroom floor with mini-whiteboards for their Daily Review so that they can frequently check for understanding. Teachers of older grades usually check their students’ understanding of previously taught concepts and skills, also using mini whiteboards, while their students are seated at desks.


A combined video clip illustrating Daily Reviews across Literacy and Numeracy classes K-6

  Personalised Learning

When teachers engage students with Daily Review activities, there may be some potential barriers for students with additional needs that need to be considered.

These may include limited time for the consolidation of taught concepts and skills.

The use of whiteboards or other seating arrangements may also be a physical barrier for some students.

Some potential adjustments may include:

  • Providing visual prompts and scaffolds of key vocabulary and concepts.
  • Using mnemonics or games as a strategy to aid information retention or retrieval.
  • Providing visual supports or summaries of the previous lesson.
  • Providing targeted, small group review and consolidation of key concepts.
  • Pairing students with a learning partner to give a lesson summary.
  • Using technology applications such an interactive whiteboard or concept consolidation apps
  • Using targeted, differentiated questions for flexible student groupings.

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