Principles of Instruction - Teacher Presentation


The Teacher Presentation, or ‘I do’, component of the lesson is when the concept or skill that is being taught is explained, modelled and demonstrated using concise language. The new material is presented in small steps to reduce the cognitive load for students. It begins with a clear statement of the learning intention and success criteria for the lesson. Incorporating a carefully selected range of examples and non-examples in the presentation also helps to avoid possible misconceptions of when and when not to apply the skill, strategy, concept, or rule. To develop students’ understanding of the content, clear definitions are provided.

  Classroom Illustration

A learning intention outlines what students should know, understand or be able to do by the end of the lesson. It is included at the beginning of the presentation and referred to in the closing of the lesson. Stating a success criterion assists both the teacher and student to know what is required to achieve the learning intention.

The students are engaged through the effective use of strategies such as repeat and read with me. A think-aloud strategy is also an effective way to model the new skills. The teacher explains the steps by saying and making obvious the thinking required to complete the task. Demonstrations of new content are also evident. The teacher uses prompts such as visual diagrams, objects or gestures to make the new concept clear for the students.


Literacy Teacher Presentation

Numeracy Teacher Presentation


Learning intention:  We are learning to spell the /e/ sound with the digraph ‘ea’.


  • Write these words on the board: head, bread, breath, ready, weather. Read the words.
  • Then have students read the words with you.
  • Identify the vowel sound in these words /e/.
  • How is this sound spelled in these words? ‘ea’.
  • Underline the ‘ea’ and point out it is always in the middle of the word.
  • Group words with similar patterns after the ‘ea’ (e.g. ‘ea’ followed by ‘d’, ‘ea’ followed by ‘th’).
  • Select words appropriate to students’ abilities.

  Personalised Learning

A barrier can be an obstacle or issue that may prevent students from successfully accessing and participating in the instructional practice. When students with additional needs are engaging with the presentation of the lesson, there may be some potential barriers that need to be considered. These may include the mode of presenting new vocabulary, information and concepts, including verbal explanations and the frequency and repetition of the presentation.

Some potential adjustments may include:

  • Providing visual supports and scaffolds to demonstrate the lesson intention and success criteria (may include display of a completed work sample).
  • Providing additional steps (verbally or visually) using task analysis and present to the student to assist with managing the lesson content.
  • Providing additional modelling and feedback to assist with processing and comprehension. This could be facilitated by an additional support person in the classroom.
  • Providing options for alternate modes of responding when using the strategies of repeat with me and/or read with me for example, the student responds using a communication device such as a voice output or a communication aid.
  • Adjusting the complexity of the concept or skill being taught to appropriately address identified learning needs.
  • Increasing wait time to allow processing of explanations and definitions of new concepts.
  • Providing written and visual explanations for concepts that the student previews in advance and/or can refer to during the lesson presentation.
  • Using non-verbal communication to enhance comprehension (gestures, natural signs, key word signing) of key concepts.


Learning intentions and success criteria (AITSL)

PDF poster explaining what learning intentions and success criteria are and how to construct them.

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Concept Development: What it is and why it is relevant (DataWorks)

Blog post describing how to teach new information, including the use of examples and non-examples.

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Teacher Presentation ‘Concept Development’ Clip

This clip demonstrates a teacher using a range of strategies to teach the new content in the presentation component of an explicitly taught lesson.

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