Staff Wellbeing

The wellbeing of staff is essential for both their effective performance at work and the academic growth of their students (Collie & Martin, 2023). A comprehensive whole-school approach to wellbeing includes a dedicated focus on staff wellbeing, encompassing actions at the individual, social, and organisational levels to protect, promote, and support overall wellbeing. 

AISNSW has developed a flexible process for reviewing and enhancing staff wellbeing that can be adapted to school’s context. The steps outlined below, in conjunction with the key components detailed in the inner circle of the AISNSW Wellbeing Framework, can be used to guide the development of a school’s approach to staff wellbeing. AISNSW Consultants with expertise in mental health and wellbeing are available to guide schools through this process. 

Additionally, staff members may choose to utilise the Personal Wellbeing Plan as a tool to prioritise actions focused on their own wellbeing.  

Please contact the AISNSW Student Services team for further information. 

Staff Wellbeing Process