Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE)

Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) is mandatory for all NSW schools from Kindergarten to Year 10. The aim of PDHPE is to empower and enable children and young people with the knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes required to lead and promote healthy, safe and active lives. This learning is complemented by a whole-school approach to reinforce and validate consistent messages in key areas of health, safety, wellbeing and physical activity.

Katrina Mostyn
Education Consultant: PDHPE

Latest News

Respectful Relationships: Proactive Education >

AISNSW Education Consultant Katrina Mostyn writes about the complex world young people are currently navigating and the need for schools to join in delivering Consent and Respectful Relationships Education.

Safer Internet Day lasts all year when it comes to eSafety >

A challenge from the eSafety Commissioner is to treat eSafety as seriously as we do water safety for Australian children - an ever-vigilant approach.

Duty of Care: Protecting Students from Sun Exposure Injuries >

Schools need to be mindful of having good policies and proactive measures to support sun safety behaviours.

Curriculum Reform and Support

The new curriculum will give teachers more time to focus on teaching so that students gain a deeper understanding of core concepts. It will also ensure students develop strong foundations for learning, life and work in a complex and fast-changing world.
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Respectful Relationships

Building and maintaining respectful relationships in all contexts is a significant component of the NSW PDHPE Syllabus. Respectful relationships teaching and learning commences in kindergarten and progresses at an age and stage appropriate level throughout primary and secondary school to meet the needs of all students.
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Road Safety Education

Road Safety Education (RSE) in schools aims to prepare and equip children and young people with the knowledge, skills and positive attitudes that will enable them to stay safe in and around different traffic environments.
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Live Life Well @ School

Live Life Well @ School is an initiative that aims to enhance teachers’ knowledge, skills and confidence to promote healthy eating and physical activity as a whole-school approach, through the NSW Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) Syllabus and wellbeing time.
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PDHPE K-12 Conference 2024

Soaring to New Heights

Date: Friday 8 November 2024

Venue: Novotel and Sports Halls, Sydney Olympic Park

Upcoming PDHPE Professional Learning

Explore upcoming AISNSW professional learning opportunities related to PDHPE and whole-school approaches.